
Travel: More Than Just Seeing

Travel does more than take you places—it puts you face to face with your biases. It forces you to notice what you usually ignore. And suddenly, new possibilities appear.

It’s not about ‘just seeing.’ It’s about feeling, learning, and understanding. When you travel with intent, the world becomes richer. You notice details, connect with people, and see life from another angle.

That’s when travel truly keeps you alive—by opening your mind and reshaping the way you see the world.

Onward to a Joyful New Year

Here’s to a Happy New Year! May 2018 bring us endless opportunities to reinvent ourselves, grow, and move forward—together.

Let’s aim higher, not just for ourselves, but for the planet. Let’s leave it in better shape than we found it. Along the way, let’s smile more, laugh often, and embrace the simple joys of life.

And yes, let’s wag our tails a bit more—whether literally or metaphorically! Here’s to a year where we truly live, love, and make a difference. Onward!

Another morning. Another airport.
What seemed to be a car turned out to be an assortment of lights. Carefully arranged and neatly placed. Choreography rules the world. Orchestration is the new order.
Amidst all the glitz an old friend walks in and catches me by surprise. “You haven’t changed one bit”
“I am glad you looked”

A moment. A hug. A smile.
Orchestration’s reach is beyond us. Thankfully.

(at Chatrapati Shivaji International Airport)

The treads on the tyres leave the marks on the ground.
What’s inside you is what causes you to behave and speak in the manner in which you do. And when the tread is worn out and tyre is bald, there is no character to the marks on the ground .

(at Powai Lake)

I spotted that on the Berlin Wall! What remains of the wall, that is. It spoke to me of restless energy. Of a capacity to imagine a future that is different from the present.

To me that is central to progress and change. To see the Youth around the world, walking tall with fearless energy fills me with hope for the future. ‘Youth’ is a state of mind.

(at Berlin, Germany)