
Music for the Joy of It

You make music for the sake of music. Not for applause, not for approval, but for the joy of creating something beautiful. The artist who plays for the joy of performing brings a different spirit to the craft.

This music is free. It flows without restraint, carrying its tune far beyond the boundaries of an audience. It isn’t weighed down by expectations or shaped by what others want to hear. Instead, it’s a pure expression—spontaneous and full of life.

When applause comes, it’s welcome. But it doesn’t define the performance. It isn’t the point. The artist’s joy lies in the act of creation, the connection with the moment, and the resonance of every note.

Music made this way doesn’t just touch the ears; it touches the soul. It’s a reminder that the most authentic creations are born not from the need to please but from the desire to express. And that is what makes it linger, long after the last note has been played.

The Irony of Comfort and Happiness

Bill Bryson often says it like none else.

And isn’t that true? We rush to make life easier, happier, more fulfilled. Yet, in the hustle, we forget to pause and ask if it’s all meaningful.

What if we shifted focus?

What if we sought less, simplified more, and made space for what truly counts? Comfort and happiness are fleeting; meaning endures. Perhaps it’s time to pause and ponder.

Are You Really Living in the Real World?

“Of all the things I am not very good at, living in the real world is perhaps the most outstanding.“

– Bill Bryson

Reality is overrated. Bills, deadlines, queues, and the baffling expectation to remember passwords—it’s all a bit much. Some of us, prefer to drift slightly outside the real world. Not entirely disconnected, just… loosely affiliated.

The real world insists on practical things—like reading terms and conditions before clicking ‘Accept’ or knowing the actual price of milk. Meanwhile, the rest of us are busy contemplating why ‘quaint’ is both a compliment and an insult.

Living in reality is a skill. Some master it. Others, well, we wander through life slightly bewildered but always entertained.

Which side do you fall on?

It is illegal to go to San Fransisco and not post a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge. At least it would appear so, just going by the number of questions that you get when you dont post one. 🙂

The bridge is beautiful and its been standing since 1937. The bridge took more than a decade of overcoming opposition for it to get built. People opposed the very building of it for a number of reasons. Today those reasons seem submerged in its practical and symbolic value.

The awesome doesnt get built overnight! And the awesome doesn’t appear awesome when it is still in the mind!

(at Golden Gate Bridge)

Its the anniversary of one of the best speeches made. On the 28th of August 1963, Martin Luther King delivered his “I have a dream’ speech, standing on these very steps. The speech moved America and the rest of the world too.

The Lincoln Memorial has seen several speeches. But the speech by ML King, made to commemorate the Emancipation Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln in 1863 that freed millions of slaves, is perhaps the most remembered. At least, the most significant to me.

Some steps have helped mankind climb higher. This is one such.

(at Lincoln Memorial Monument)

The skyline of a city can seem so much the same. Jagged concrete structures reaching for the sky with varying degrees of ambition.

Yet, they are distinct. A level of careful observation will show you a few things. The choreographed exteriors, the conversations that hug the air and the music that is played in the street give the skyline life.

The skyline of San Fransisco seems to tease you a bit with its streaming business like stiff upper lip. Beautiful nevertheless, especially when you relish it with some cool breeze from the Pacific. It is when you step into the city and go down the valley you realise how much a facade the skyline put up.

(at San Francisco, California)

When the boats are at shore, they seem so out of place. The right place for this timber is when it rides the harsh waves of the sea with ease.

It is quite a sight to look at the boats that are raring to go. Ready, girding their loins, just besides the sea.

But do you realise, the long voyages that are made at sea are actually longer voyages. For they are made in the minds of the voyagers first. Then at land, where the boats are built.

When the boats aren’t built well and the mind doesn’t imagine broad enough, voyages don’t happen as well as they could have.

What voyages are you on? How far have you traveled in your mind? And by the way, how strong is your boat?

(at Thiruvananthapuram – Trivandrum City)

Where you stand depends on where you sit. Where you sit, depends on how much of a toe hold you have on the ground.

To make the most of whats available. To carry on hoping for the best at the end of the day and navigate new bridges with borrowed wheels. That is the essence of third world livelihoods.

No. This doesnt mean any less of aspirations.

No. This doesnt mean any less of dreams for change

No. This doesnt mean any less of happiness and smiles.

To many lives that know only this life, there is no happiness or sadness with how life is. This just is life!

It’s never about the weight. It’s always about the way we carry it.

It’s never about the work. It’s always about the ‘why’ of the work.

It’s never about the grand sights. It’s always about the story behind the sight

It’s never about grand things. It’s about discovering grand meaning in simple joys.

That’s where real happiness and real joy is. Ensconced and precious. To find it means to see it and let it be.

(at Pattaya, Thailand)

So, how do you welcome a new day?

When the Sun sends the first hints of his shimmering rays, it is but a small hint of the opportunity ahead.

To continue the work from yesterday.

To begin anew.

To press reset.

To walk the long road.

To course correct.

To sit down and reflect.

Whatever works for you.

That the Sun shows up in the east can lull us to think of it as a matter of routine. But to look at it as something else can alter how we treat the rest of the day.

So, wherever you are, sing in celebration when the Sun shows up. Dance. Run. Play. Read.

The majestic Sun teaches us about changes & transitions like none else.

(at Udaipur City, Rajasthan, India)