
What are you working on? And how are you working on whatever you are working on?

The Albert Victor Bridge in Madurai was built in 1886 and was supposed to last a 100 years! It’s still standing. Being of value and use to the day. Long after the engineers went back and the river ran dry.

Good work solves problems. Great work solves problems, through time as well. The option to do both exists all the time. The choices are ours to make.

(at Madurai, India)

It is illegal to go to San Fransisco and not post a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge. At least it would appear so, just going by the number of questions that you get when you dont post one. 🙂

The bridge is beautiful and its been standing since 1937. The bridge took more than a decade of overcoming opposition for it to get built. People opposed the very building of it for a number of reasons. Today those reasons seem submerged in its practical and symbolic value.

The awesome doesnt get built overnight! And the awesome doesn’t appear awesome when it is still in the mind!

(at Golden Gate Bridge)

There are bridges. And then there are bridges like the Bay Bridge.

Standing tall, majestic with two layers of traffic. On since the 1930s. Completed before the much vaulted Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco.

Its stature coming from its understated value. The Bay Bridge is a bridge to be absorbed by the eye for all it offers beyond what it offers to the eye.

at Bay Bridge (San Francisco)

The trouble with grand moments in life is that they come unannounced. Just like that. Suddenly. Many a time you don’t even realise how grand a moment is until its passed.

That is perhaps one more reason why we ought to treat each moment as a precious moment. Each interaction as important and every minute with joyous energy.

While the most immediate arc is what is visible, every arc must be passed to cross the bridge. Viewed together, it’s a pretty picture.

Live it grand!

(at San Francisco Bay Bridge)

Locks of Love.
The couple literally lock up (their love) and throw the key into the river.
It is an irony, isn’t it, to see locks standing in for love. But the redemption, if it were, is with the keys thrown into the river. Perhaps snared by it for safekeeping. In full flow.
After all what good is love if it cannot flow? And what good is flow if it cannot breach?
I wrote about it here :

#Love #LocksofLove #LoveLocks #Travel #travelblogger #Europe #river #bridge #EU #sights #Signs #symbols #culture #people (at Brugge, Belgium)

Locks of Love.
The couple literally lock up (their love) and throw the key into the river.
It is an irony, isn’t it, to see locks standing in for love. But the redemption, if it were, is with the keys thrown into the river. Perhaps snared by it for safekeeping. In full flow.
After all what good is love if it cannot flow? And what good is flow if it cannot breach?
I wrote about it here :

#Love #LocksofLove #LoveLocks #Travel #travelblogger #Europe #river #bridge #EU #sights #Signs #symbols #culture #people (at Brugge, Belgium)

The balustrade on the bridge over the River Sienne on Paris, has seen much river flow beneath it. So much so, that it barely warms up to the Sun making its appearance in the horizon.

The Sun isn’t making an appearance for the Sienne either. Some sort of a magical coincidence.

The average traveller in me revels at such coincidences as we pack our bags one more time today.

#Paris #Sienne #river #RiverSienne #Europe #EU #France #bridge #sun #sunrise #water #flow #traveldiaries #travel