He is a slender man. All bone and muscle. A pronounced jaw, a tanned skin and a stubble for the head. But he packs a punch with his smile. A smile that gives his broken uneven teeth even more mileage.
He helps us with the water scooter on the beaches of Pattaya. He negotiates the waves and the machine with an alacrity that would expose his experience.
The waves seem to be no match for him. The water scooter seems to do to his bidding. He keeps waving at us from the shore. He asks us to take more time in the sea. ‘Have fun. You have time’. He says.
As one more wave rushes to the shore and the scooter bobs up and down in a helpless rush, he settles on the the shore. ‘You had fun?’, he asks.
When we nod in enthusiastic affirmation, he puts on display his uneven tooth and the big gap in between them. ‘Enjoy it while you have the time’, he says.
He perhaps doesn’t know how profound his statement is. Perhaps he does. There is wisdom in the ordinary man beyond what we give credit for. In their leading of life
(at Pattaya, Thailand)