
Life keeps throwing balls at us. Which ones do we catch?

It often depends on how ready we are for anything that life throws at us. We can’t expect the ball to come to us at a speed, angle and height of our choosing!

The only choice that’s good to exercise is to be ready for whatever life throws at us in the moment. And catch it with all our mind!

Catches, as they say, win matches!

So, how do you welcome a new day?

When the Sun sends the first hints of his shimmering rays, it is but a small hint of the opportunity ahead.

To continue the work from yesterday.

To begin anew.

To press reset.

To walk the long road.

To course correct.

To sit down and reflect.

Whatever works for you.

That the Sun shows up in the east can lull us to think of it as a matter of routine. But to look at it as something else can alter how we treat the rest of the day.

So, wherever you are, sing in celebration when the Sun shows up. Dance. Run. Play. Read.

The majestic Sun teaches us about changes & transitions like none else.

(at Udaipur City, Rajasthan, India)

When the waters kiss the boat with a rather stern energy you are reminded of the strength safety net that the shore offered.

And when the boat ebbs a bit in hapless disregard for the passengers on it you sniff the challenges ahead.

You have a thousand butterflies in your stomach. But there is strange adrenalin coursing your veins. Its almost like when you were young, full of life and ready! Thats when life shifted.

You grip the oars and can feel the water through them. You begin to stroke the oars and the waters seems to gird their loins.

A thin smile escapes furrowed brows and pursed lips. For you have worked at this. You are ready for the ride.

Between stimulus and response there is ‘choice’. Viktor Frankl’s famous and profound work consumes me today.

There is always a mountain of stuff to be done, people to be met, convincing to happen, arguments to be closed. There is always more to do. In more ways than one thats good.

It gives purpose to the day. It gives energy and a reason to summon every ounce of energy and then go after what the day presents.

With joy and abandon.

Afterall, between what the day throws at you and how you respond to it, there is choice.


Go kiss the world.

There is one fact. There is one view. And then there is another. And then there is another. There are several.

The fault in us is when we assume one view to be the final view. Our view that is!

To always stay on the look out for our biases colouring our views, will help us see things in better light.

For started, recognising that there could be a different way of looking at the same object will set us on a better tangent.

So what are you looking at today. Rather how are you looking at it?