
Its always about the frame. How you frame the problem changes the problem.

Here I was talking to people and then began a trudge down the rolling hills. After about 30 minutes of a happy downward trudge on a rolling hill, which is more than pleasant for a happy walk.

I turned around to find that the people who I was speaking to were but small objects in the distance. The hill in itself a mere hump in horizon and the light ( or the lack of it) made them look like mannequins in a store!

Try changing the frame. What we see changes depending on where we see it from!

(at Vagamon, Kerala)

What does love mean if not time. The time that we give to make relationships special, make them special. Relationships are special in their tiny moments. Wrapped in love, kindness, discovery. All a function of time!

What are the best moments of your life? I wonder how it is with you, but I love the moments that I spent shooting the breeze. With mom. With dad. With the missus. With the little miss. With friends. It makes us who we are. At least, I think it does that with me.

It is a different matter though that we don’t give such moments their due. It is when we do, that we begin living our lives.

Today, go shoot the breeze with someone you love!

(at Vagamon)