
It’s called the ‘Grand Place’, sitting pretty at the heart of Brussels. There is abundance of history to it, and its seen its share of bombs, bruising and resurrection!
Tonight, it glitters with ease as tourists click their selfies and wield powerful lenses to capture it’s majestic arc. This has been a place of trade. Now it is of the ‘touristy’ trade!
Of course, it has some awesome credentials to it. Like it being a UNESCO Heritage site and being voted as the ‘best square in Europe’ in 2010 beating Red Square of Moscow and Place Stanislaus, Nancy, France.
There us something to it. It exudes an air of quite charm. An air that seems to be happy with the way it is and let’s you be the way you are. That is a precious beauty in our time

#GrandPlace #Brussels #Travel #traveldiaries #Europe #Belgium #EU #History #art #architecture #culture #war #square #market

It’s a city that has history. Several centuries of it. A large port and a swarming population that is full of energy and style.
Yet, all that the train station has is a set of straight lines and a random invitation thrown to a play with light and shadow.
Say hello to Rotterdam.
#Rotterdam #Europe #EU #Train #Holland #Travel #traveldiaries

There is a certain order to things in Europe. If there is one way for something to be, then there was no other way for it to be.
There is a reasonable predictability to the immediate future. The roads are at right angles. People stop to give way.
Cyclists pedal in seeming unison staying in tracks allotted to them. Canals seem to hold still to give picture perfect photograph on the most amateur photographers camera.

Everything seems to have a place and falls exactly in that place. Even the trees seem to shed it’s leaves with an arty rhythm.

#Amsterdam #Amsterdamcity #EU #Europe #order #culture #autumn #nature #travel #traveldiaries

Sadness envelopes me, in #amsterdam when I let another pristine setting pass without capturing it on camera.
That’s what happens when every nook and other corner proffers a sight to behold. One more opportunity to stand stare and linger longer. In an empty yet full sort of a way! In a simple yet rich weave.
And of course, nooks and corners are everywhere!
#Amsterdam #amsterdamcity #Travel #traveldiaries #Nature #beauty #Europe #EU

There are many religions in the world. The one that appeals to me is here! 🙂 You dont have many rituals. Nor any holy book. But if there was a God, he resided in a bean.
Today as we sat in a new cafe, our legs tired and eyes weary, someone from the next table leaned over, looked at my drink and said, ‘ah coffee’. That started a whole new conversation. A new connection in a far off land! #Travel #Coffee #amsterdam #amsterdamcity #Conversation #Stories #Traveller #EU #Netherlands #Food