
He makes it look easy. A tad too easy. There are chains on his body all centred around his chest. At the end of the chain is a ball of fire. He goes on stage and swirls with the fire. The audience lets out a gasp, even as he goes on.

The ball of fire, stemming from his chest acting as his defence. I learn that this is an ancient martial art of Kerela, Kalari. Several centuries old, rich in its tradition and deadly in its techniques.

My mind wanders as the performance continuous. Its not any fault of the performance which is stellar.

It is my own fleeting mind which sees something else.

Anything that comes from deep within you, will be your best weapon. Your ball of fire. When you twirl with passion in whatever domain you choose and keep learning the techniques better, you too are a warrior.

The fire of passion can be the best weapon in the face of severe obstacles. That makes an unstoppable warrior and a sight for the eyes to consume.

May the fires within us keep us moving ahead!