
There are bridges. And then there are bridges like the Bay Bridge.

Standing tall, majestic with two layers of traffic. On since the 1930s. Completed before the much vaulted Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco.

Its stature coming from its understated value. The Bay Bridge is a bridge to be absorbed by the eye for all it offers beyond what it offers to the eye.

at Bay Bridge (San Francisco)

The trouble with grand moments in life is that they come unannounced. Just like that. Suddenly. Many a time you don’t even realise how grand a moment is until its passed.

That is perhaps one more reason why we ought to treat each moment as a precious moment. Each interaction as important and every minute with joyous energy.

While the most immediate arc is what is visible, every arc must be passed to cross the bridge. Viewed together, it’s a pretty picture.

Live it grand!

(at San Francisco Bay Bridge)