Memories of different places are anchored by strong and beautiful images. This one, for me, represents #Amsterdam !
#rijksmuseum #rijks #travelblogging #travel #memory #museum #Netherlands #sculpture #art #love
There are many parts of a culture that you become instantly present to when you notice how apart from your own they are.. One such is the culture of cycling that is so present in Amsterdam and other parts of the Europe. It’s obvious that a combination of different things that has come together to make it possible : a tradition. A mindset. Investments. Laws. Infrastructure. Etc et!
I haven’t been more taken as when I get to see babies clinging on to their seats, securely strapped and safely saddled. With love, care and a bit of a frenzy that their mom’s legs kick up as they pedal away.
Completely oblivious to this stranger standing in awe.
#Cycling #bikes #biking #daughterdiaries #culture #Brussels #amsterdamcity #Amsterdam #EU #Mothers #Children #cycle #Health #Travel #traveldiaries
There is a certain order to things in Europe. If there is one way for something to be, then there was no other way for it to be.
There is a reasonable predictability to the immediate future. The roads are at right angles. People stop to give way.
Cyclists pedal in seeming unison staying in tracks allotted to them. Canals seem to hold still to give picture perfect photograph on the most amateur photographers camera.
Everything seems to have a place and falls exactly in that place. Even the trees seem to shed it’s leaves with an arty rhythm.
#Amsterdam #Amsterdamcity #EU #Europe #order #culture #autumn #nature #travel #traveldiaries
Sadness envelopes me, in #amsterdam when I let another pristine setting pass without capturing it on camera.
That’s what happens when every nook and other corner proffers a sight to behold. One more opportunity to stand stare and linger longer. In an empty yet full sort of a way! In a simple yet rich weave.
And of course, nooks and corners are everywhere!
#Amsterdam #amsterdamcity #Travel #traveldiaries #Nature #beauty #Europe #EU
A marathon is a race, yes. But it’s not as much against one another as much as it’s against oneself. That is one reason why people turn up in the droves to see what their own limits are.
And whatever those limits are, every race is an opportunity to break it and set a new one.
Nancy Gibbs said it well. “ Runners exalt the marathon as a public test of private will, when months or years of solitary training, early mornings, lost weekends, rain and pain mature into triumph or surrender. That’s one reason the race-day crowds matter, the friends who come to cheer and stomp and flap their signs and push the runners on.” It was a splendid setting today at the finish line of the TCS Amsterdam Marathon. As runners ran in after completing their courses, there was a cheer in the stadium to let them know whatever their result was, it was worth it!
#TCSAmsterdamMarathon #amsterdamcity #Amsterdam #running #marathon #sport #discipline
A train station in #Amsterdam. It has white poles that stay white. Tracks that are devoid of grime.
There was quote a crowd but that somehow didn’t fret into a frenzied chaos when the train arrived. And trains. Ah, trains that arrived on time.
Speaking of time, time stands still. Stiff still, amidst the rolling cyclists and remarkable people!
It is a city that beckons you again. Every time you know it’s time to discover another city
#Travel #Amsterdam #Amsterdamcity #train #metro #culture #traveldiaries
45000 people are running the TCS Amsterdam marathon today. The expo was vibrant with sporty people and movement!
Amidst the legs that shuffled around, were little feet. Someday, hopefully they too will run and discover the many joys of running. Inspiration can come in many shapes and sizes! 🙂 #Amsterdam #TCSAmsterdamMarathon #hopes #future #littlemiss #daughterdiaries #Running #marathon
There are many ways to come together and promote a city, it’s vibrant culture and what the city offers to the average citizen of the world.
One such way is not to market the city ‘to’ them but ‘with’ the. By making the ‘targeted’ part of the plot. With a sense of ease and seamless energy. So much so many want to be part of the experience.
#Amsterdam offers you the opportunity. To be part of a wonderful city by putting yourself right in the middle! Ask me!
#Travel #love #amsterdamcity #Tourism #fun #art #culture #community
Pumpkin Soup! The first time that the soup I ordered reminded me of Chemistry lessons and the laboratory.
All said and done, the soup was awesome and filling too. What better than exploring a culture through its food?
#amsterdam is inviting. To all kind of tastes. For the #foodies too. #Travel #Netherlands #Food #amsterdamcity #Soup