
Take the Stairs

Taking the stairs covers distance, just not in the way we often measure it. It’s not about how far, but how high.

It’s good for the heart and the mind too. You huff, puff, and pant—and then you remind yourself, this is part of the deal.

Because climbing anything takes effort. But the key word is climbing. It means you’re going up, defying gravity, one step at a time. That sets it apart.

I’ve been choosing stairs over elevators lately. There’s something about moving at my own pace that feels right.

What’s your take?

The Beauty of Tough Journeys and the Roads That Shape Us

‘Someone once asked me, ‘why do you always insist on taking the hard road?
I replied,
‘Why do you assume I see two?’
– Anonymous

The question of choice isn’t about hard or easy—it’s about whether it’s the right road. Everything else is secondary.

The easy routes? They blur into the background. The tough roads, the steep climbs, the unexpected turns? Those are the ones we remember. The ones that test us, shape us, and bring stories to life.

With the right people by your side and a destination worth reaching, the effort itself becomes beautiful.

Because in the arc of struggle lies discovery—not just of what’s ahead, but of what lies within you.