Peppa Pig is Getting a Sibling. Life Will Never Be the Same.
I walked into a hotel. It was a warm Sunday morning in cold Guwahati. On the bed, a towel had been folded into something soft and cuddly. My mind leapt to Peppa Pig. Years of watching the show had clearly left a mark.
There was a time when Peppa and George were permanent residents in our home. My daughter, in her early years, was hooked. Every day was a Peppa day. Every evening was a George evening. She even looked for muddy puddles in our apartment complex. There were none. Great disappointment.
I was roped in, of course. I have watched many Peppa Pig episodes. Some, multiple times. Enough to know that Daddy Pig is not as useless as he looks, that Suzy Sheep is a questionable friend, and that Peppa is, quite honestly, a bit of a bully.
But let’s talk business. The Peppa Pig franchise is massive. Multi-billion-dollar massive. Toys, books, theme parks, endless merchandise. Peppa-branded spaghetti exists. So do Peppa shoes, Peppa toothpaste, and Peppa bedding. Kids love it. Parents buy it. The empire keeps growing.
And now, change is in the air.
In February 2025, it was announced that Mama Pig is expecting. Peppa Pig is getting a sibling. George is no longer the baby of the house. Chaos is guaranteed.
What could change?
• George loses his ‘baby of the house’ status. Tears may follow.
• Peppa takes charge. Expect unsolicited parenting tips from a 4-year-old pig.
• Daddy Pig looks overwhelmed. Because, of course.
Thankfully, my daughter is past her Peppa Pig phase. But nostalgia reigns. And when I read that a new baby was on the way, I couldn’t help but say oink oink and read it out to my young miss. She rolled her eyes. I felt old.
Life is about change. Even in the world of animated pigs.