So there ! Am back. Armed with a little more than the usual courage to wallow in prose hoping that jet lag and such else, will tug at the sympathetic sides of your brain and aid you in giving me some more allowance.
The Bay Area is a beautiful place. Clean air, copious food, cool breeze, warm people and an eclectic mix of experiences have left me pouting the good life in the the US of A to any who would care to ask me ‘how have you been’! With a preponderance that can only be matched by the now pronounced pot belly that is making its presence felt, best supplemented by the dark circles under the eye!
I come armed with stories and pictures. Of a land that’s far away yet seems so close. So different yet so alike. So familiar yet so distinct. Ofcourse, these stories will find a way to get to the blog. Or so I hope.
My Grandmother used to tell me many stories. Amongst them, one darts to the forefront is about an ass who starved to death. Oh, no. He wasn’t practicing yoga or whatever. He starved to death because of the two bales of hay that were kept on his either side . Yet, the ass that he was, died in braying glory, unable to choose which side of the hay he start his food with.
Places seen. People spoken to. History that’s not so long ago. Natural beauty that seems to have been around forever. Contexts. Conversations. Reflections. The pictures that abound the hard drive and the stories that jump around in my head has lead me to the same problem the other ass had : The problem of plenty! Which leaves me reeling about what and where to begin !
I flew Korean air. But time flew some other jet, that flew far faster ! The only time in the entire trip when time seemed to go on frame-by-frame slow motion mode was on the 24 hour return journey. For a variety of obvious reasons !
But am back. Back from order to chaos. From dollar to rupees. ( My multiplication skills have jumped manifold, especially if something is to multiplied by 47). From silence to noise. From left hand drives to right hand drives. From tissue paper to the good old mug in the bathroom.
Am back home and feeling good that am back home !
PS: Please scroll down for earlier posts on this trip, or read them here and here.
(From dollar to rupees)
That is nice.
Dividing by 47 must also be automatic now!
Nice to hear about your trip. You do not need 47 times table anymore.
(I flew Korean air. But time flew some other jet, that flew far faster ! )
You must have enjoyed it immensely. Hence it flew faster !
(The pictures that abound the hard drive and the stories that jump around in my head has lead me to the same problem the other ass had : The problem of plenty! Which leaves me reeling about what and where to begin ! ) LOL ! We will wait. No problem. Till you reclaim your homely feeling and regale us with your experiences !
Welcome back
Looking fwd to reading your posts on US of A.
Problem of plenty! Hmm, settle down, relax and organize. We shall wait
That seems to be a pretty short trip isn’t it. Hope u enjoyed your stay.
That seems great different from being familiar here. That’s somehow fun reading about. Take care bro.
There is a strange satisfaction in coming back to India after spending some time abroad; the power cuts, filth, concrete jungles here notwithstanding. Yes, you are happy even when you realize that you are giving up a lot in terms of conveniences. You have expressed your sentiments beautifully.
welcome back in your own city! Mug in the bathroom is always better!
Thanks for all your good wishes and generous words ! And the offer to wait as well ! I hope it wont be long !
Yes. Several things are better now. From the multiplication to the division !
And am slowly finding my groove ! The luggage has been unpacked and inbetween work trying to snatch time to read all other blogs as well !
I will be back ..! thanks again everybody !
Always interesting to hear impressions of the US from the outside. ^_^
Good you enjoyed it.Travels make you learn about life.