We met. Again. Us bloggers. Its been a year since we first met. So. We met. Again. Actually, we needed an excuse.
Two new people joined.
We spoke. About cows. Mumbai. Blogging. Twitter. Bloggers. Comments. Indiblog nominations. Food. Running. British Psychology. 140 word posts.
Blog posts getting hotel discounts. Hotels that charge 1700/- for a buffet. And the self help groups that provide food for others ! Of course, you know which ones survive.
About countries. Cricket. Family involvement. Writing style. And a whole lot more. Of course, the missus is happy again. For these are the ‘gifts’ that came along.
Gappa bowled me over with a IIT Bombay bag, with appropriate customised art for each of us that met. Harekrishnaji came with a lovely hand crafted photo frame. Cabbages and Kings with a delicacy made of jack fruit !
Gunjaiish came with a mango sweet, which isn’t part of the picture. For it is now part of the inner recesses of my hip. Nu was the newest member. Maybe i should write her name ‘first’ ! Catching up with Vivek-Uvaach is a delight. As ever.
Often times i am awed by the medium of blogs and such other social networking platforms. Connecting & transcending age groups, educational backgrounds, distance and cultures is plain awesome. And if that were not enough, getting people to take the time to do something for one another catapults it to a different league !
But then, the essence is not in the technology. Its in the people that use it. ‘Enthu public’ was a comment that escaped G ! An interesting phrase. I thought !
Of course, you will hear from them too. About the meet. On their blogs.
Interesting times we live in. With so much that divides us all, technology helps unite us and break bread. ( Of which we had two full baskets ). I haven’t been as delighted in a long time !
Oh, by the way, the missus has been invited to the next meeting. Perhaps she is getting too much attention on this blog ! In any case, i have let others know that this is a ‘bloggers meeting’ and not a ‘blog subject’ meeting !
That is that. Let us know if any of you are interested in being a part of a small group of bloggers who meet. And talk. Till the cows come home. Which is when the waiters hover around the table with dirty looks.
What a whale of a time ! Enthu public. Indeed. Thank you !
A lovely post, and what a wonderful bloggers’ lunch that was. “Enthu Public” has certainly sowed some ideas in my mind for the next bloggers lunch. Speaking of which, I thought we could have one on International Women’s Day, next year, sometime in march (8th ?). Then the missus can be an honored invitee, instead of your blog subject. ….
Kavi, just saw your Blog Adda selection as a Spicy Saturday pick.
That was one epicurious Saturday you had there…. . Congratulations….and very well deserved.
Have a great time in bloggers’ meet. I may not be personally and physically present in that meet. But I assure u of spiritual presence ! You will know it when you have that spooky feeling that you get by watching a lot of R.G.Verma movies !
please post some pictures of the meet, anxious to have a look at everyone..please!!
it’s nice that you bring little presents for each other. it’s very touching!
I would love to go to such meets. Seems like so much fun, the bag is cool!!
Oh I dont even remember saying those words but I could have. They must have come out spontaneously after seeing you guys.. 🙂
I had such a lovely time too, in fact even after I left I kept wondering what you people mus be up to and what all I am missing out on. Upon reading UK’s post, my mind rested. 🙂
Yeah Kavi you should have mentioned my FIRST !!! LOL
It was nice meeting you all,really ! And as always you have described it in your special way…a nicely written re-cap 🙂
we would like to meet the missus as a chief guest,what say 😉
Great account of our meeting, Kavi- it was lovely meeting you all!
I love the phrase- ‘Enthu public’!
And congratulation on your post being selected for Blogadda’s ‘Spicy Saturday Picks’!
Lovely post !
Makes me feel jealous to be living away so far… and what you also get gifts ???
I gotta reach for one of these !!!
Interesting that you guys meet up like this and it was indeed thoughtful to exchange little mementos like that. Blogs are a neat way to connect with like-minded people, like u said, irrespective of distance, age, culture, creed or colour!
That’s so sweet…I’d love to join u ppl next time, Mumbai u said I live close by
cya n going greeeeeeeeeeeeen
Meeting face to face is sometimes a good option.. but not always for me 🙁 But good to know that people can differentiate between blogging and living – sometimes that is essential.
the bag is really cool!
I have met 6 different bloggers. They were just as I expected, and it was great fun!
Hmm..someday..maybe Bombay? Or perhaps we could meet in the middle..LOL
I missed it…but next time, I hope I can make it…looks like u guys had a lot of fun there…I missed seeing u swinging on banyan tree…hope to catch up with u all soon..
and amazing gifts..if I had come there, I would have landed there empty handed..now I know how to attend the next bloggers meet 😀
So you had a Mumbai Bloggers’ Meet? Wow!! That is really nice.. I would myself like to go to one.
@Neha : There isnt any “custom” about gifts. Whoever feels like it gets things; sometimes we do and sometimes we dont. The main thing is to meet , talk, and eat, in that order. And the waiters are most delighted to take our photographs.
Ugich Konitari : Well, i must say ‘Thank you’ ! After writing this out, kinda realised that the planning part didnt get a mention. With all those tables and options, that must have been a feature indeed ! International womens day ! Sure ! 🙂
The Blogadda thing came as a total surprise ! 🙂 thank you !
Cyber Gypsy : Oh yes…we had a whale of a time !
Rush : Some of us gaurd our internet presence with so much of a reclusive intensity, that you might almost mistake us with a haughty celebrity ! The agreement is… no published pics ! 🙂
Bodaat : And its great fun too !
Sujata : The next time you are passing Mumbai…let us know… we might be meeting afterall !
G : Oh we had fun. Chatting up and walking by the lake ! It was great seeing you and interacting !
Nu : The missus is humbled ! 😉 Thanks for taking the effort and coming by. Was great catching up with you too !
Manju : It was great catching up with you too. And thanks for the wishes on Blogadda ! its proof that there are others that read what gets dished out here too !
hitchwriter : Distance is never part of the problem. Infact it can become part of the solution ! 😉 Glad to connect up with you. Look forward to reading more of your stuff !
RGB : Oh yes..bang on. And also, i stress, its a great fun thing ! Just the suspense of discussing what you write with readers…its quite cute! To say the least.
PNA : Welcome here…we’ll let you know the next time around !
aativas : There was trepidation the first time around. But then, we got going like a house on fire. And since then theres just been no looking back !
And that difference…thats so darn important !
Gauri : Welcome here..And that credit must go to Ugich Konitari @gappa !
Lou : What a prospect. And we sure can. Would love to have you here in Mumbai ! 🙂 And see a part of the country for yourself !
Neha : I am sure you soaked in some parts of Kerela for us ! 🙂 And about the gifts part.. UK has already answered ! Just come in and be part of the fun !
Phoenix : Sure…we could send in an invite for the next time around ! 🙂
Looks like you all had a grand gala! Well done! I have been too busy with my work and few other happenings around me. I shall try to be regular here. Meeting the bloggers is wonderful. I am waiting for the day to meet you in person.
what a life you all have!!!huh
Wow! Looks like u did have a whale of a time…the post is tiding over, indeed! Like Rush, I’d be curious to see some pics!:)
Excellent write up
Nice post. What enthusiasm too. Would have loved pictures – but one must respect privacy
Interesting post! 🙂
Best wishes.
Unfortunately this enthu person was stuck at work. Missed you all. Good to read up about it, though.
It is always wonderful hearing about bloggers meeting! 🙂