
There are some covers that stay. Many others are coming off. And yet others are coming on.

The rains usually bring in fantastic innovations from Mumbaikars. As we rankle the informativeness quotient ( if one such exists ) of our brains and cover up our bikes. Our cars and such else. Of course, there are many types of covers.

Thick leather ones. Thin transparent plastic ones. Run down ones etc. The idea is to keep the rain from doing damage to the bike.

And in summer time, there are other less common covers. Like this one. Seemed to be made of a fur like material. But one cant care about the fur.

Its about the looks that this fur will furnish. From ‘gaaawd’ to ‘yeaaaah’ !
And there are those that take care special care of these covers. Designing them meticulously and wearing them neatly.

For instance, this taxi.

And of course, this goes beyond pure functionality of protection. That would lead us to people and their dispositions. But we will not go there today.

But of course, people are wearing this funny green masks these days.

Swine Flu cover. Scenes of passengers in a air-conditioned car wearing such masks with their drivers not wearing any, shows more than what the mask can cover.

Messages and jokes on swine flu hit your phone with an alarming regularity, that beats the virus itself.

One such states, ‘ You wish some people kept their masks on even after the virus is gone’. And almost as a rejoinder came a comment from a colleague. In jest, i presume.

Speaking to another who was talking about a mask, ‘ You don’t need a mask. You already have one on’ !

This swine flu business is beyond me. I’d much rather admire the cover on the taxi meter. Whatsay ?

16 thoughts on “Covers

  1. Aleta says:

    Some of those swine flu comments, Greg would really like. I’ll have to share that with him.

    The bike covers, those are neat. I rather like the fur. In an odd kind of way and just as long as it’s not “real” fur!

  2. Rush says:

    me likes the idea of some politicians keeping their masks on even after the virus is gone 🙂
    u have indeed covered it all!!

  3. sujata says:

    I liked the cover in the first two pics, quite nice, for the fur I belong to the Gawwwd category, the taxi meter was neat, and the swine flu cover was wrong!!another post that made me smile and wonder..what all people do!!

  4. Neha says:

    btw, that Marathi notice was from shivsena or MNS? cos only they will put it in Marathi…I know it is the state language, but still display it in Hindi..ppl like me wil at least be able to make some sense outta it..

    there another msg doing rounds which i found quite amusing (in spite of being a gujju myself):
    The american embassy has issued this notification to all the gujaratis – “Please do not apply for H1N1, it is not a VISA”

  5. KK says:

    Swine flu is slowly becoming the “Mask of Sorrow” by killing many…

  6. Jeevan says:

    We bought a cover to our SUV and it takes a lot time to cover and remove and to fold it properly, makes certain irritation thus to us.
    Oh! The fur cover is fantastic. To keep things at sustain for long we need covers, and the mask, I wish the situation turns soon.

  7. That fur cover is hilarious man…i mean how can that fellow even think of putting a cover like that…lol!!

    @ Neha
    lol..dont apply for H1N1 hahaha too good, hey i hope u r not applying for it :)!!!
    n abt the marathi comment…soon u may see either of the two parties demonstrating outside your house….lol!!!

  8. Suma says:

    the fur one was definitely ‘gawwwd, what was he thinking?” 🙂

    another great post, seem to have ‘covered’ it all 🙂

  9. Only in India 🙂

    And I love that word Mumbaikers :)))

  10. Nachi says:

    i am perpetually flabbergasted at your ability to see the mundane pieces of life around us and weave them together into one lovely spread. like this post…now this is what i call topical!! call it, passing back the buck bro…


  11. Arunn says:

    hey, i cud catch the thief who stole my bike in mumbai, jus bcos i had a typical way of having a mud guard cover… and the thief left a trace…. so don’t under estimate ‘customized’ covers…. hahahahaha….

  12. amreekandesi says:

    Nice compilation…especially the fur one. Those are definitely not common!

  13. Lou says:

    I have to wonder if the swine flu is a “media” event. Remember the bird flu of last year?

  14. Aparna says:

    Come and get your award from my blog.

  15. Kavi says:

    Aleta : Oh ! They are not real fur. Some artificial stuff. I wonder why this chap had it on his bike though !

    Rush : As far as politicians go, the mask never comes off ! Does it !?!


    Sujata : Oh yeah..what all people do. It stupefies me. Gaaawd indeed !

    Neha : That was by the RPI. And the H1N1 joke..reached my inbox too !


    KK : is killing. But the hysteria that the media is playing up is at a different level altogether.

    Jeevan : Man ! SUV ? Hmm. That must be something to ride. and ofcourse, the SUVs dont come in small packages !!


    NR : And that was my question too. Wonder what he was thinking !

    Suma : Am glad i have many more on the ‘gaaawd’ category. I thought i could be in for a surprise !

    Braja : yes. India ! And yes..Mumbaikers !! 🙂

    Nachi : Perpetually stupefied…well, that was a little strong bro !!!


    But still, thank you ! 🙂

    Arunn : You lost a bike here ? What are you saying ? I didnt know that

    amreekandesi : Thank you. Uncommon, yet spotted close to my office ! 🙂

    Lou : ofcourse. And there was Mad Cow disease a few years before that. Then there was Plague. And i wonder what the animals think of us.

    Aparna : Thank you. Hmm. An award is a wonderful feeling. That people are still reading !! 🙂

  16. Quite a fashion parade of covers. Maybe it is time to dedicate an entire fashion week to such orginal creations!!!

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