Of fossils and armies !

Here are two images. Spotted on the roads of big city Mumbai !

The first one : a spraymint ad. Exhorting women to use this spraymint and be ‘kiss ready’ ! And going on to conduct a contest for the most ‘kiss ready’ woman on the website (advertised therein)!

At 7.45 AM. In the hustle bustle of Mumbai morning traffic, i cant help but wonder how much of a fossil i am becoming. For i read and wince. The world is at peace. The bus for one, moves at a steady pace.

I notice that the wince on my face, stays.

Would a woman get excited by this ad and walk up to a store and ask for this spray with ease? Not that it would affect me, if she did. But hey, the question remains, would it create a surge in demand a spike in sale !?!

Not to my mind.

But the people that made this spray (and this ad) must have some cogent reason, market research and many creative hours of billing. And so, perhaps. Women do walk up and buy. I dont know. But….

I scratch my chin, and wonder, how much of me is a fossil ! Already !

The second image is that of a taxi.

A taxi that sports Ram’s name and the Nike logo on the windshield. Togther! Now, Lord Ram didnt wear Nike. As far as i know. And to the best of my knowledge, Nike didnt sponsor Ram’s trip to Lanka. Or anywhere else for that matter.

But this taxi driver must be an ardent Ram devotee and Nike loyal ! So there, Ram and Nike co-exist !

I wonder how do i greet the taxi driver ?!? ‘Jai Shri Ram’. Or ‘Just Do It’ ? Maybe both ! Hmm.

Now, these two pictures being placed in one post is sheer coincidence. Of the bus and the taxi being spotted in quick succession ! Ram am sure, understands the ways of the world.

I am not sure of his armies though.

19 thoughts on “Of fossils and armies !

  1. nsiyer says:

    ‘Ram’ and ‘just do it’.How inspirational?

  2. SGD says:

    Maybe youngsters today have no time for finesse & subtlety…hence the in your face crude publicity…and yes, from that point of view, I’m a fossil too!!

    And Ram & Nike…great observation and a greater sense of humour! And I wish His armies had a bit of such sense of humour!!!

  3. Suma says:

    haha…this was funny!

    you do have a roving eye, to come up with such gems in the midst of the hustle-bustle of routine


  4. Jairam says:

    Come to think of it, Ram just did it. He just took his armies, built a bridge of stones (or did he??), invaded Lanka and brought back his wife.

    Ironically the same country from where Ram invaded Lanka sent across another army called the Indian Peace Keeping Forces to fight other Lankans. Life and its funny ways!!!


  5. ~nm says:

    The second one made me grin. πŸ™‚

    And about the first one, I think even if people would be buying it earlier, after this ad they might just not buy it anymore.

    The teenage school girls might still go ahead and buy this stuff πŸ™‚

  6. G says:

    haha! loved the last line. The taxi/auto walas can come up with anything, really! The most common one I have come across is “Sabka Malik Ek” with the ‘Ek’ depicted in pictoral form, which reminds me of McDowells’ ‘Mera No. 1’

  7. I hear some person has been banned from entering Mangalore for a year. He just might move north of the deep south, and see one of these buses…..

  8. Ranu says:

    nah you’re not “fossilizing” rather gen X is moving too fast…… so if you must – pray to Ram, put on your nikes and run (that is if you wanna catch up). BTW that spray-ad is gonna get more guys to the counter than girls!!!

    excellent post and good observation!!!

  9. Inder says:

    ‘tick off’ symbol – correct – right
    ram is right.

    how about this? πŸ˜€

  10. Aleta says:

    You do have an eye for spotting these things and then a questioning mind to bring it to your blog.

    The first ad, caters to women being shopaholics. Maybe I’m too old fashioned as well, but such advertisements either annoy or amuse me, depending upon my frame of mind.

    For today ~ amusement. Thank you for the smiles!

  11. Funny…yep, the second pic is worth fossilizing:)

  12. amreekandesi says:

    I hear you! I too feel like a fossil at times.

    I am not even 30. And guessing that neither are you!

  13. Jeevan says:

    This was cool bro!

  14. Sajan says:

    First, you are faster than the Economic Times. An article on the same campaign appeared on Brand Equity today – http://epaper.timesofindia.com/Repository/ml.asp?Ref=RVRNLzIwMDkvMDMvMTgjQXIwMjMwMQ==&Mode=HTML&Locale=english-skin-custom
    Second, you’ll have to pay me royalty for the additional hits your site is getting every day. I sent your blog article to everybody in office.

    Very interesting… Very interesting… keep clicking.. keep writing:-)

  15. Kavi says:

    NS Iyer : Hmm !! yes sir !! True blue @!

    SGD : Thank you ! I guess we have to humour them !

    Suma : Roving eye !!! πŸ™‚ Thank you !

    Jairamm : You bet ! Ram just about did it !! And so do the others ! On a daily basis ! πŸ™‚

    NM : Teenage school girls…hmm ! Thats interesting ! We are headed somewhere arent we !?!

    G : Sabka maalik !! LOL ! hilarious !

    Ugich Konitari : Oh. Not one more. We have enough of the kind here ! please !

    Ranu : The take of more men buying it, made me think. Hmm. Would men buy. And would they gift ? What would the women think of what the men are thinking ? or, do you think the men need it more…

    Inder : That was indeed SOME logic !

    Aleta : Ah ! If it made you smile, it makes me happy ! indeed

    Naperville mom : Hmm !!

    Amreekandesi : You do feel too ? Well, jeepers, i have company ! And the second question…well, i didnt see !

    Hobo : What was that about ?

    Jeevan : Thanks

    Sajan : Thanks a ton pal !

    and thanks.

    First for forwarding the ET piece. they seem to be referring to me as ‘moderate radical’ ! Moderate radical !! Boy !! thats something. I have become someone in life !!

    Second : For spreading the word ! it helps ! But really, i worry for them !!! And for you too


  16. Priya says:

    May be with nike shoes, ram cud have ran faster to get sita.. who knows:)

    Wonder what is kissable woman to all men than for a woman. Its more to men than womens ad isn’t it. May be they want men to buy it for their women too.. What an ad in a traffic.. Drivers please drive careful…

  17. gauri says:

    Hilarious! BTW – India can often be ingrate 😐


  18. gauri says:

    Oh I meant to post that comment on the post above – looks like I scrolled too much!

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