The glitter quotient, with fluorescent stickers, especially, of an omni present ‘Deluxe’ inscribed is a easy to spot ! That ‘Deluxe’ is a decoupled word from actual reality, is another matter though. The glitter will get you to believe & hope for a BMW feel ! If you are relatively new here.
But more importantly, it is the fancy glitter drops that keep my attention riveted. High on fluorescence, movement and therefore, definitely attention grabbing. I wonder if there is any other part of the world this level of glitter quotient exists on the rear !
Wonder whose idea it was. The brides ? The grooms? In-laws? Relatives ? Friends with vested interests ? Or was it a friendly neighbourhood taxi driver with extra ideas hanging in the air ?
Who cares. It added to the colour to the road !
And of course, some private moments to the couple inside. Those dangling, moving, violet balls (that moved ever so violently with every pothole), caught every body’s attention. Nobody looked inside the car !
Perhaps that was the idea ! What an idea sirji !