
Some Quiet Between He & She

I found this gem on Fiona Tribe’s (@white_owly) twitter feed. So much so that I have been sitting with this for a bit now, seeking some quiet.

Our lives and our times are often bound by what goes in our head and what we think goes in another’s head! Its a deadly combination.

As I type this, I wonder what you think!?! 😉

I tell myself, ‘Perhaps it is necessary to quieten down a bit. In the mind. Especially, of what other people think.’ I reason, I will have reduced the chatter by 50%. While that is impeccable logic, I am immediately present to what would happen to my chatter about me if it others werent involved in it.

You see, whats the point?

Amidst all the noise, I think the way to get to quiet is to not start with an ideal picture of what quiet is and go after it. Perhaps let quiet evolve.

After a while that begins to make sense. I invite quite by being present to noise.

It makes sense to me.

Some pictures evoke strong memories. There was a time when the house used to be filled with the sound of the anklet. The little miss used to be excited about it all.

I dont even know where the anklet is these days. But this picture took me back in time. To the sights, sounds and air of yesterday.

Some pictures do that all the time.

These anklets were our GPS device of sort. To notify where she was and when she was upto mischief. It kept our ears sharp and trained to take note of silence. The silence announcing mischief!

Most importantly, it triggers a thought or two about dreams and aspirations from a different time.