This post is a kind of ‘taking-stock’ post for future reference.
Some of the most interesting things that happened in 2006 are ofcourse, the return to the tennis court. I would rate that very high, for it knocked 8 kgs off me, and i am mentally more stable. That was the high point.
Commencement of this blog was another high. Writing was dead in me. But then, this space gave new opportunity to write and rediscover a lost passion. I still am not in my element as far as writing goes, and couldnt complete a short story i began. ( GP please excuse me ). I guess ’07 will see more of it.
The sheer thrill of meeting all of you online, and connecting to you, looking forward to hear from you, has more than compensated for the time and effort that goes into making of this blog. Despite severely trying situations this space sees activity. Thats reason to cheer.
Relentless pursuit of higher education, at the expense of personal money, family time and entertainment sure did shore up confidence levels. The expolitation of these remain to be done in the years to come.
I bought myself insurance policies. That was another plus. I didnt see or believe in insurance, but then, buying these policies were a process in itself. Kind of facing reality that people dont die in movies and cyclones that they show on BBC alone.
BTW, at work, well there was progress. Clearly demonstrating what should be done, by chronichling, what shouldnt be done. Consequences of every single action. Bringing me fair & square with some inept & lousy people. I learnt my lessons. And there were some great people too. Strategists. Thinkers. Movers. And oh yes, shakers !
Appas health continues to pose a challenge. He hasnt walked for a year. Amma’s operation was equal trauma for we couldnt be with them. I only hope someday, i will absolve myself of this guilt.
We gave Don away. That was one of the saddest lows of this year. Even as i write this, i wish him all the very best for this year and many more to come. He was one hell a labrador.
I made some real good friends this year. People who already stood by in tough times, and i feel a raw energy in their presence and support. That was a great reason to smile. And my wife went to work, at her own terms. That was a ‘family’ move !
Overall, i think it was a great year. One that kind of showed me the potential of what the future holds. And in its own way, nudge me to action. In the compendium of years, i guess i will look at this year, as a crucial year of inflection.
A year which demonstrated what is possible ! A kind of ‘setting the stage’ year. Overall, it rocked. Just like Abrey’s rocking chair !
Bye bye 2006