Its been a while and this is a fresh dive. Over the last few months, I vowed myself into silence on most platforms and friendships. The focus was on how quiet I could become and stay silent. Searching for meaning and purpose as we dealt with change, losss, awareness.
Perhaps, implicit in that search was a fond hope that at the end of it, there will be a renewal of sorts. A pot of gold, if you will!
September. October. Novermber. December. Each month came. And went. Like passing clouds. Somewhere I drew a line in the sand for the silence. 2021.
Every passing day of 2021, the quiet, the work and deep private conversations have left me clutching new ideas and plans. And just like that, 2021 ended. And it is 2022.
Happy New Year
For the past several years I have put out a word of the year. Last year I sat down to reflect on the year gone by, my own aspirations for the future, talked to people and then chose one word. Adding meaning and structure to something that was more whimsical earlier. And then, the year took over. I never got to post it. So much for planning!
This year, I hope to do better. On all fronts. And perhaps there is an ounce more of energy powering that statement. (Does this count as a renewal?)
Previous posts are here and here.
Yes. Dive. Thats the word of the year for me for 2022. The dictionary states that dive is “to plunge into water intentionally and especially headfirst”.
Well thats a pretty accurate verb for my aspirations for the year.
There are ever so well made plans that need focused execution.
There is work and research to deep dive into.
Yes, the water is cold and God knows how I will land, but then, I won’t know until I dive!
Shel Silverstein is a personal favourite.
He says it like no one else.
You’ve been up on that diving board
Making sure that it’s nice and straight.
You’ve made sure that it’s not too slick.
You’ve made sure it can stand the weight.
You’ve made sure that the spring is tight.
You’ve made sure that the cloth won’t slip.
You’ve made sure that it bounces right,
And that your toes can get a grip
And you’ve been up there since half past five
Doin’ everything… but DIVE
And the little miss..
The little miss adds a twist or two that completes my thoughts. She has never failed to do so. Not this time either.
She painted those fun dolphins, when I spoke to her about Dive.
And according to her, the best way to dive is to do it with friends.
And then, you always come up refreshed after a dive!
Plus, Dolphins are fun to be with and intelligent beings. “You are intelligent, arent you?”, she asks. Some questions, I leave for another time. This one belongs to that category!
For now, I am staying focused on ‘Dive’! Thats good enough!
In the spirit of diving, I hope to be more regular here. Let’s dive into 2022
Happy New Year people.
Wow..I like the choice of word ..dive .
Gives complete philosophy in one word for me .
And the intelligent dolphin diving with friends is beautiful..!!!
Happy New Year

Associating a word to year struck a cord with me. Felt it brings focus and also a pattern which can run through what I do. Pattern being the mindset. Like diving deep into things. Thanks Kavi and wish you a very Fulfilling New Year!