
Me: You are up early
He : This is regular. Everyday.

Me: Do you catch a lot of fish at this time?
He: I do my best. Sometimes I catch. Sometimes I dont.

Me: You are alone here.
He: In this world we all are. It doesnt matter.

Me: How many children do you have ?
He: Three

Me: What do they do ?
He: They go to the municipal school.

Me: Is it a good school ?
He : I dont know. They go. They come. They are happy. I am happy that they are happy.

Me: Have you considered a big boat ?
He: I have thought about it. I am happy with this. On a good day, I make about Rs.200/-. On a bad, its next to nothing.

Me: You could make much more with a big boat !
He: Your educated mind will tell you so. But I am happy this way. No loans. No folding of hands before some money lender. Just about enough to give the family what it needs.

Pause. Reflective pause. Silence.

He: Just about enough of money. I dont understand you educated people. Running behind money.

Saying so, he lowered the boat into the water and went fishing. I kept looking as his steady rowing took him farther away. Aware that in his matter of speaking, he had brought me closer to myself.

Which is when the phone rang. I had to get back and get ready to participate in the conference. We were to discuss ‘Inclusive growth’ !

12 thoughts on “Dialogues.

  1. Brilliant post. I wish you reached back 5 minutes late at the conference ad explained to the chaps as to why .

    This guy has fitted in so perfectly as a piece of the jigsaw puzzle that is life, that the lines in the puzzle are actually blurred. We continue to revel in our ability to remain a piece doing a favor to the puzzle, as we discuss “inclusive” stuff….

  2. Insignia says:

    πŸ™‚ A sigh! moment.

    We reflect and then we are on our toes πŸ™‚

  3. aativas says:

    Insightful indeed!

  4. Sandhya says:

    Not only him, his children must be happier than our children…nice dialogue!

  5. ashok says:

    Hmmm…no words.

  6. :-Dee says:

    Life has its little ways of giving lessons thru little experiences such as these. A nice post with a beautiful message. Thanks for sharing. πŸ™‚

  7. What a lovely dialogue, Kavi! Really something to ponder on….

  8. What a lovely dialogue, Kavi! Really something to ponder on….

  9. Nice new look of the blog. πŸ™‚
    I am satisfied, the boat I am in! πŸ™‚

  10. Nice! Wondering if you did bring it up at the conference? The assumptions we make about peoples aspirations…Thanks for sharing!

  11. ashok says:

    Kavi, Congrats! you are my choice for the “versatile blogger” Award…receive it here:-)


  12. Jeevan says:

    Is not easy to content with what we have but possible through cognizant. I see it reflecting through him. He Sounds great and thanks for sharing πŸ™‚

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