The sleepy town of Rameshwaram has many facets to it. That the old man Ram was there with his army and the supposed bridge that they built to Sri Lanka is perhaps its chief claim to fame. It being considered one of the holiest of cities quite obviously translates to hordes of pilgrims.
With the proximity to Sri Lanka and it attendant consequences, the arc lights never go off here. There is always a refugee boat that lands. Or an LTTE man that rose from the sea. Or the Sri Lankan navy shooting down a hapless fisherman ! Something or the other.

The splendour and architecture of the Ramanatha swamy temple is best masked by the simplicity of its gopuram. All in plain white. Standing straight and simple. Amongst the many facets that it conceals is the 1000 pillar corridor which screams a silent yet eloquent beauty with all interplay between light and darkness that blossoms into a collage of a splendid magnitude can arrest you. Forever.
The communist party showing the way to Lord Ram’s feet was an ultimate picture !
Some distance away is Ramar Patham. (Ram’s Feet). A smaller temple that plays host to an imprint of a feet. Purported to be those of lord Ram and rightly so. The story spices up the belief very well that there is a mile between you and the d in doubt. A pot bellied priest chants the virtues of worshipping those feet and also slips in a message to ‘help’ the priests themselves. Its but natural, you see ! Especially, when said in the same breath !
The other reason that Rameshwaram is frequented is to perform rituals for the dead. An assortment of rituals, which by itself can be an intricate lesson in permutation and combination and math of such order. The net result could be a huge subtraction in what was there in the wallet !

This is one money spinner that’s not going to fade away in a jiffy. For death is but natural and such beliefs stay on. The paraphernalia of all those articles that are supposedly required to please the dead person’s spirits, can well resemble an annual shopping list of a whole neighbourhood ! From the barber to the beguiled tourist : all contribute to the bee like buzz in the air !

Mention must be made of the Pamban bridge, now named after one of the Gandhis. This times it is Indira. (I think). Built on the sea, much before the Bandra-Worli sea link. Well used now, every single lamp post is still there. Of the lights that were supposed to be atop the lamp posts, well it’s a different story !
It’s a sleepy town. Down in the down south. But then, it keeps many awake. All through. Think about it. History. Mythology. Architecture. Strategic defense. Death. Life. Living. Gods. Tourism. The sea and the ocean. All in one place.
Very few places that can boast of that assortment !
Had never been to Rameshwaram. Feels like going on reading this blog. The communist board showing way to Ramar Feet was really ultimate
Well written. Keep writing.
I have always wanted to visit Rameshwaram. Fascinated by the “Pamban Paalam” amd the nearest drowned town of Danushkodi. One day maybe
Oh! I didnt know they renamed the Paamban Paalam.
Great Post . I loved it !
Great Post and Pictures!!
Sleepy town. Sounds very good for a calm day out. Not far away from my village. Now, you have motivated me to take my kids there. Thank you.
Good writing, as usual.
Well written and the first photograph is just amazing. And your way of putting things – you take the cake.
I found your blog from your comment on Carmi’s. Other than some minor grammatical mistakes, you write pretty well. This particular post is quite funny, and I can sympathize, living in the same Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic.
And the second photo is just kilarious (killer+hilarious).
I liked the first and last pic very much.
Nice post as always.
What an incredible country you live in, Kavi.
India is full of such beautiful places! I had been to Rameshwaram when i was maybe 6-7 years old, so don’t even remember looking at a single stone!
I too want to be there sometime, looking from the Pamban Bridge and how the rail bridge opens for passing ships. The way u define the place and things put in was very nice! and being love to see the quiet sea lines, I wish to be there.
Bring back memories of my school days and the trip when I went down south along with my teachers. You have well written about all of them in one place. I would like to take my family now when I visit India. Let me see. Lucky you!
last time i visited Rameshwaram (during college days), I didnt have a camera…you have inspired me to go there once again!
I gotto visit Rameshwaram sometime. I really like the first picture