The Indian economy and success.
These are words that rings well from a TV . Quite obviously, beyond the common man. For the common man, is usually listening to all of this, taking a break from all the TV ads. Those TV ads, asking him to buy cars and computers. Through service fee free bank loans. Recommended by actors who don’t age and cricketers who are ‘old’ at 30 !
No. What churns the Indian economy is not all that English. The engine of success resides in its bottles. PET bottles…
Dont you think so ? Walk around India. Anywhere. Any part. East. North. South. West. People living in small cities tucked away in quiet corners where the Prime Minister flies over when there is a cyclone and the big cities that make much noise about small things. Walk anywhere. Ubiquitous by their presence are the PET bottles !
The small stores and the big stores. Brisk business is enabled by PET bottles. Usually holding toffees. buiscuits. Assorted eats. Chewing gums. Pencils. Stationary. All stored in PET bottles.
‘Loose’ items. Sold in ones and twos. Satiating a penchant for buying ‘loose’ stuff. Perhaps we are loose people. You know, people that prefer to buy in loose. In ones and twos. With the population that is growing at a pace that outpaces everything from condom manufacturing to computer chip obsolecence, with delectably embarrasing ease, ‘loose’ is a way of life, for us !
Think of this too. We are indeed loose people that can operate in the grey, and be as comfortable. The great Indian head shake that goes in all directions has been mocked loosely enough. But ‘Loose’ has many meanings. In excess of 20 variations. That must make it comfortable for the average Indian mind !
So, here is the grand treatise. The ability to break anything down into smaller pieces yet, see the pieces as part of a larger whole. To divide yet integrate. That comes principally from the PET bottle ! What say ?
PET bottles are indeed a part of mainstream living. An indelible mark of our households too. Storing everything from sugar to salt. And spices in all sizes. Loose chocolates. Loose biscuits. Loose bread. Loose butter. And so on. Everything loosely stored with a tight lid.
But ‘Loose Petrol’ was something that spun the mind silly, at the Petrol station.
In the morning today! The cops don’t want ‘loose petrol’ to be sold. Well. They must know. They deal with a whole lot of loose characters and have some loose canons in their ranks as well.
In recent times whenever ‘big’ English waffles through the air, on the Indian economy and its resilience etc, the PET bottle has stayed tightly in context !
No loose words here and the perception will leave many tight lipped. Loved the wit.
Could India be more different than the U.S.?!
And the Indian head shake that goes in all directions! π
This is why I come here, Kavi. It’s like a little vacation at your blog.
Good post. People are so loose with language…makes for good humour?
I love the way you always turn your imagination loose and create beautiful images with your words. You are such a delight to read always Kavi.
“The ability to break anything down into smaller pieces yet, see the pieces as part of a larger whole.”
your this statement reminded me of my worst nightmare – economics micro and macro theory..
anyways, the pet bottle – and the attack on it by one rupee coin to grab the attention of the shopkeeper when the platform is taller than you; till you get the chocolate inside it..and using it for other reasons that u mentioned in the post..:)
I like the way you think out-of the-bottle…oops, box, and write about things we see everyday yet never really think of. I remember reading about your take on hand-pumps and now this. Your blog sparkles with wit! π
Haha! I will never look at PET bottles in the same way again! Loose indeed!
First time here… nice blog you have!
well, the usage of ‘loose’ is very much wrong even in media at times. Nice post π
You did an excellent (and witty) job of explaining a part of the Indian psyche! You are a “hoot” (look that one up, Kavi, LOL).
hey this is a lovely post here…and u r ossumm…real ossum…:D
good to find you here…:D
Good post, Kavi. A different perspective on consumerism in India.
hehehe. it’s awesome how you put these two together. witty! π
This was one post!! I do think about these loose items; so prevalent.. Everything sold in loose, bought in loose..coconut pieces, milk, toffees….Yeah!! have the knack of weaving a nice write up with the simplest of topics.
lovely post yet again kavi…
The Holy Lama : Thank you ! π
Pearl : Yes, we indeed are are in different . Arent we !?! Merry Xmas !
Radha : Yes ! Loose humour perhaps ! :
Aparna : Such a generous comment ! Thank you ! π
Neha : Micro and Macro economic theory was a personal favourite ! Oh yes, the attention grabbing tap on the bottle ! thats perpetual !
Destiny’s child : The hand-pump was sometime back ! I think ! Thanks for coming back ! π And for the generous comment !
Manju : π
Mohan : Welcome here ! π Thank you ! And hope to see more of you !
Lou : A hoot ! LOL ! π Someday you must experience the psyche !
SiD : Welcome here ! Thank you ! And hope to see more of you ! See you around !
Reading The Green : Thanks Praveen !
Sriram : Hey Sri ! How have you been !! Thanks !
Insignia : Its in the simplest of things that life weaves in. Sometimes, i wonder why i miss the big picture so often. and then it becomes apparant. π Thank you !
Nazish Rahman : Thank you !!!!!
Kavi, I lose . What else can I say?