The rains bring out a different hue to Mumbai & its people. Well, the umbrellas ( in various hue) come out in the open, springing up with a simplistic charm & a colourful splendour that permeates through the moisture laden air and the water laden pothole !
Raincoats in all colour are distinctly visible through the drenched windshield & the overworked wiper. Children in bright yellow and policemen in similar colours with ‘POLICE’ written on them, abound. Perhaps in precautionary measure, for fear of mistaken for just another commoner- in-the-rain !
Blue tarpaulins spring atop small hutments with a degage look that anything other than blue, seems to stand out. As potholes become ponds, and roads morph into river beds. And as tail lights of vehicles ahead, merge with the droplets on the windshield to present a kaleidoscope riot, vehicles get their protection as well.
I have been most intrigued, by the rain gear of the Mumbai two wheeler. In transparent polythene or opaque rexin, covering the speedometer console, the fuel tank, the seat & the engine ! With apertures for the hand to reach the handle & equipped with a toughness to keep the resilient rain at bay, this indeed is a feature that manufacturers may want to bundle their vehicles with !
Rain gear for the road ! For the bike, that is !
Rain-coat is for us and road-coat is for….

Potholes listening & smiling
you should check out the umbrella options in kerala
Good snaps..
Potholes and rain seem inseparable in india
Hobo :
Manu : Oh yes i have ! They are nice too !
Shiva : Thanks ! Indeed so !
Love your post and there is something special about your language.. subscribing right away
Good observation the situation right now, and nice pics.