There could be a corolla parked in the drive way or maybe its just a ramshackle of a Jugaad butting the head out of the front gate. But if the eyes that look at a place someplace in the deep south, the chances for a chap like this on the exterior wall of the house, is more than likely !
For ages, this chap has guarded the household against ‘Evil Eye’ ! So has it been told in the household that feeds this blog.
The Evil Eye. Yeah yeah ! The negative energy that is generated by ‘neighbours envy’ (not necessarily restricted to the neighbour) of seeing another do well !
The potency of the negative energy that the ‘evil eye’ of the neighbour, runs thick and deep !
Big eyes. Think eye lashes. Eyebrows as large as a forehead. A handlebar moustache that would make any Harley or its owner shift feet in awe. Canine teeth that drive fear into a tiger. Sharp white horns that can excite a matador in Spain. A scorpion in the tongue that a tattoo artist would be proud of !
Well laid out sparkling array of colours. Blue neck. Red face. Yellow forehead. Green ear lobes !
These chaps are supposed to be absorbers of the mall effects of bad thought. They sure look that part. And for sure look pretty impressive too.
So, the next time you are in the South or at a Southerner’s place and you see this man on the wall, you would do well to remember the following.
a. This is not a representative image of the man of the house . Atleast not physically. Though you may have reasons to imagine him so.
b. You can let those big gasps of jealousy into the air. Looking at the chap’s ramshackle Jugaad or his designer underpants.
He for sure thinks he is insured. By a big man with big eyes. Think eye lashes. Eyebrows as large as a forehead. And a handlebar moustache that would make any Harley or the owner shift feet in awe.