We were discussing our careers today. And the discussion got to a rather esoteric plane. What are we working for became the central point of discussion. My view of it was simple, and that was that a golden future awaits the person who works towards it. Constant retooling is a key differentiator between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have nots’ of the corporate world.
Prashant said something in a matter of fact manner, which resonated for quite some time. He said, “I don’t want to spend my present working towards my future”. I realized, that he was vocalizing ‘Life passes by while you are making other plans’ differently. The work & long hours that this computer & room has seen me put in , is something that this room will know. And hopefully, something that the future will show.
While the criticality of working on the future is fully comprehended, there is realization that is dawning on me, that it cannot be at the expense of the present. The present is important to savour. Life calls for a lot of balance. And one key element where balance constantly eludes me and many others is balancing time.
Balancing time between the past, the present and the future. Between family, passions & work. Between daily operations and long term strategy. People. Pleasures. Spending et al. Life must be lived in balance! Full balance !
May we all find it!